Anna gives a talk at IdeaStream 2021
Anna gave a talk at MIT Deshpande Center’s IdeaStream 2021. The talk was entitled ‘Artificial Axons: Biofidelic Drig Screening Platform for Neurological Diseases’. You can watch the full version here:
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud vvgroup contributed a whooping 41 entries.
Anna gave a talk at MIT Deshpande Center’s IdeaStream 2021. The talk was entitled ‘Artificial Axons: Biofidelic Drig Screening Platform for Neurological Diseases’. You can watch the full version here:
Krystyn was appointed a Co-Chair of the Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space. You can read more about this role here.
To celebrate Patriot’s Day Weekend, VV Group went for a picnic and bike ride along the Minuteman Trial. Here’s a picture of our group sporting our tricorn hats 🙂
Ming received the 2021-2022 Angela Leong Fellowship, which supports two MIT graduate students each year. We are grateful for the support of the Leong Family and MIT’s Office of Graduate Education.
Alex’s paper ‘Localized characterization of brain tissue mechanical properties by needle induced cavitation rheology and volume controlled cavity expansion’ was published. Read the paper here.
Congrats to Cammie for passing her thesis area examination in Materials Science & Engineering – Cammie is now officially a PhD Candidate! Woohoo 🙂
We’re delighted to officially welcome our newest PhD Students, Brandon Krupczak and Itay Fayer. Check out the ‘People‘ page to learn more about Itay and Brandon.
Ee Xien’s recent paper about gelatin-based microcarriers was featured on MIT News. Click here to read the article in the MIT News, and click here to read the paper.
Krystyn moderated a panel (“MIT’s low carbon campus and test bed”) at MIT’s fifth Climate Action symposia. You can read more about the symposia here.
Ee Xien’s paper, entitled ‘Dissolvable gelatin-based microcarriers generated through droplet microfluidics for expansion and culture of mesenchymal stromal cells’, has been published in Biotechnology Journal. You can read it here.